Thunderstorms early, then partly cloudy after midnight. Low 73F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%..
Thunderstorms early, then partly cloudy after midnight. Low 73F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.
The SPCA serving Volusia and East Central Fl. will offer Low Cost Pet Shot clinics. The first clinic will be from 9:00am till 11:00am at Hounds Town Space Coast, 3905 US-1, Rockledge and the second clinic will be from 12:30pm till 2:00pm at Furever Pet Rescue 2605 Flake Rd. Titusville. The clinic is open to everyone and no appointments are needed. Rabies shots will cost $5.00, Dog 6 in 1 distemper/ parvo combo. $10.00, Canine Flu $20.00, Lyme $25.00, Leptospirosis $15.00 Cat 4 Way distemper combo $10.00, Feline Leukemia $20.00, Bordatella $14.00, Heartworm Testing $16.00 and Worming $5.00. Heartworm Prevention and Flea Control products will be available for purchase at a discount. Cash for the shots, cards/cash accepted for product purchase. Call or text 386-748-8993 for questions. Proceeds benefit animals. The SPCA is a non profit, no kill rescue serving the area since 1977. Donations are tax deductible and greatly needed and appreciated.
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) Apollo Chapter 1137 meets monthly on the second Monday of each month. We have changed our meeting place to THE RED LOBSTER RESTAURANT, 215 E. Merritt Island Causeway, Merritt Island, FL. You are invited to join us for lunch at 11:30 and an interesting speaker at 12:15. Guest speakers will be Ruth Rhodes and Gregory Schwendeman from Rhodes Law, PA, speaking about guardianship. Visit
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 724, Merritt Island (EAA724) EAA 724’s next meeting will be in the club house on Merritt Island Airport at 7 pm. If you have a passion or interest in aviation then EAA 724 will bring you closer to the action. You don’t have to be a pilot or aircraft owner to enjoy our group. Our chapter is a mixture of pilots, wannabe pilots and non-pilots. If you like aircraft and aviation you are welcome. The airport is approximately 2 miles south of SR 520 on Courtney Parkway. Turn off Courtney onto the airport and then bear right. Across from the Fire House is the club house with the EAA logo on the end of the building. Visit or call 321-514-9456.
International Coastal Cleanup: The Marine Resources Council invites you to join in for this year's cleanup on Saturday, September 17 at 8:00 a.m. Please register soon because the supplies for this event are allocated for each site based on registrations.MRC Cleanup Site 1: Cleanup will take place along the shores of the 192 Melbourne Causeway and Kiwanis Park at Geiger Point.
MRC Cleanup Site 2: Cleanup will take place along the shores of the Eau Gallie Causeway and Boat Ramp.
MRC Cleanup Site 3: Cleanup will take place along the shores of the Pineda Causeway & POW / MIA Park (formerly Pineda Landing Park).
MRC Cleanup Site 4: Cleanup will take place along the shores of the 520 /West Cocoa Beach Causeway.
The event is free to participate in. Funds for the cause are raised through event shirt sales, sponsorships, and donations. Event shirts are $25-$29 (+Eventbrite Fees). Event Sponsorships Start at $175: Show your support for the Lagoon by adding your company logo to the event shirt.
For sponsorship details, please contact Steve at or call 321.978.8862.
Melbourne International Coastal Cleanup: The City of Melbourne will be hosting two clean up sites as part of the International Coastal Cleanup 2022 event, Sept. 17, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Ballard Park, 924 Thomas Barbour Drive. Volunteers will clean along the bank, on the water and around the park. Kayaks and other small vessels are welcome.
Rigg’s Outpost’s dock, 990 E. Melbourne Avenue. From there, volunteers can use their own kayaks or rent one for a discounted price of $10 from Rigg’s Outpost. All participants must sign a waiver before using their dock. This can be done through the Rigg's Outpost website or on the day of the event. Check-in for both sites will be at 8 a.m. The City encourages participants to bring a pair of gloves, water to stay hydrated, snacks, proper clothing for rough terrain, sunscreen and bug spray. The two site locations will have water from a large jug available. Participants must bring their own water bottles. Volunteers may register on Eventbrite or by contacting the City’s Environmental Community Outreach Division at 321-608-5080 or
Brevard Recovery Fest: Brevard Recovery Fest is a Free Family Friendly event to end the stigma of addictions and Mental Health and celebrate National Recovery Month in September hosted by the Brevard Prevention Coalition sponsored by DCF & Central Florida Cares Health System Inc. On Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10-2 p.m. at the Regional Pavilion in Wickham Park, located at 2500 Parkway Drive in Melbourne, we will have free food, entertainment, inspirational stories, inflatable games, children's Magic show, Brevard County Sheriff Simulator, drunk goggles, and k9 unit. We have over 80 sponsors and vendors participating to hand out great information. Free HIV and HEP C testing, and free Narcan Kits will also be available. Great information for the entire Brevard Community. For more information, call 321-961-8487.
Blessing of the Animals: Celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi which honors the special role animals play in peoples’ lives. Conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi's love for all creatures, a procession of animals, from dogs and cats to hamsters and even horses, are welcome. Reverend Sara Oxley of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Cocoa Village, will officiate this special ceremony called the Blessing of the Animals, on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10:00 a.m., at Myrt Tharpe Square (Gazebo), in Historic Cocoa Village. Pet photos with Rev. Oxley will be taken immediately following the group blessings ($5 donation). All donations will benefit the Florida Wildlife Hospital, Palm Shores, Florida, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to Florida’s wildlife in need. Hospital will be in attendance for a unique meet-and-greet. These animals are permanent residents of the hospital that could not be released into the wild. All pets are welcome on a leash or in appropriate carriers. Donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
Free Kidz Christian Paint Party: On Sat. Oct 1 .(must sign up by Sept. 25th) is a Free Kidz Christian Paint Party for ages 7-12.
Sponsored by the Community Chapel of Melbourne Beach. The event will be located at the Terry Center, located at 5O1 Ocean Avenue. 20 Seats available for this free event starting at 11:OO a.m. Families can meet Anne the Artist! Finger food provided,
The Free Kidz Paint Party will begin at 11:20 a.m. and will end at 12:45 p.m.
To reserve a spot, contact Pat at 321-722-9117 or for more information.
“The Road To Recovery” Seminar: Ayad B. Saad, Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor and Irina Parker, Financial Advisor of Morgan Stanley in Suntree are hosting a free educational seminar titled “The Road To Recovery” . Presented and sponsored by Paul Peterson, Regional Vice President First Trust Portfolios, L.P. The seminar is held at the Suntree Country Club, located at 300 Country Club Drive in Melbourne on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022 from 11:30 am-1:30 pm. Lunch will be served. Guests are welcome.
This seminar is open to the public. To reserve your seat please call Irina at 321-253-6855.
Platinum Show Chorus: The Platinum Show Chorus, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, is always looking for new women who love to sing. They meet Thursday nights at the Unity Church, located at 2401 N Harbour city Boulevard in Melbourne at 6:30 p.m. Come visit and hear what they are all about.
Barrier Island Center Sea Turtle Walks: During June and July the Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) has a limited number of spaces for the public to join us on a guided turtle walk for the chance of seeing a nesting loggerhead sea turtle in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. Walks are conducted on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights between June 2 and July 28, 2022. Space is limited to 20 people per night (this may be reduced due to Covid-19 restrictions). Cost is $20 per person, paid in advance, to reserve your space. You are responsible for your own transportation to the Barrier Island Center. Additional details will be provided once you have made a reservation. For a list of dates, visit
Strength, Balance & Mobility Class: Trinity Fitness, located at 1236 Sarno Road in Melbourne, offers a free Strength, Balance & Mobility Class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. for residents 50 year and older. Class includes medium impact, short interval, full range of motion and functional movements. For more information, email
Veterans Museum Bridge Club: Have fun at the Veterans Memorial Center, located at 400 S Sykes Creek Parkway in Merritt Island
for a Bridge Club that meets Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12.30 pm every week. Bring a partner and have a great time. $3 per person win prizes. Money goes to local veteran scholarship opportunities. For more information, contact 321-292-9410.
Lawndale Historic House: Tours from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Furnished as a family home of 1895, it is a living history educational site. Docents in period costume are stationed throughout the house to guide visitors. The beautiful location on the banks of the Indian River Lagoon at 1219 Rockledge Drive in Rockledge is a short distance south of Cocoa Village. A minimum donation of $10 is requested for adults. Lawndale is open the first Saturday of every month until Nov. 5. For information call 321-537-6607.
NARFE Apollo Chapter 1137: NARFE Apollo Chapter 1137 meets monthly on the second Monday of each month. We have changed our meeting place to The Red Lobster Restaurant, 215 E. Merritt Island Causeway, Merritt Island, FL. You are invited to join us for lunch at 11:30 and an interesting speaker at 12:15. Our speakers will be Dr. Mike Nichols and Megan Nichols from Inbalance Rehab, located in Cocoa Beach, who will be educating us about fall prevention. For more information, visit website address is .
Siri Lynn German Exhibit: Award-winning mixed media artist Siri Lynn German is displaying her 2-D and pen & ink pieces at ART CONSIGNMENT gallery located at 7730 N. Wickham Road, Suite 105 in Suntree. The hours are 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday thru Saturday. All items are for sale. For further info contact Tom at 321-610-7374. Her art is also on display in the main lobby at Rockledge City Hall, and at the Conference Room of Suntree Library as part of the Central Brevard Art Association exhibit during business hours. Please contact 321-208-7329 for any questions.
Body Connect Yoga: Every Wednesday at the Cape Canaveral Library is Body Connect Yoga: gentle stretching and breathing following your own body’s rhythm.
Relaxation and reconnection between your body and your breath to bring peace to your mind. Please bring a yoga mat. $5/class.
Taught by Maëla, a singer, singing teacher, and wellness coach from France. She created a method to expand the development of self-expression with the body, the breath, and the voice. Classes are held at 201 Polk Ave in Cape Canaveral. For more information, call (321) 868-1101.
Viera Park Market: Your local monthly Friday fresh foods & more market.
The market is being held on the first Friday of every month from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Viera Regional Park in Viera. Locally roasted coffee, honey, grass fed beef, salsa, jams, pesto, olives, bakery (gluten free, vegan & traditional), beef jerky, Italian cheeses, elderberry syrup and more.
Local specialty foods, food trucks, artisans, crafters & more. Fun for the whole family.
Follow our Facebook page for daily updates and postings here - .
Food trucks will be announced on our page monthly.
The Viera Regional Park is located at 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way in Viera.
For more information email Karen Shea at - or call - (321) 759-3713.
Space Coast Farmers Market: The Space Coast Framers Market takes place every Sunday at Larry Schultz Park on 2560 Fiske Boulevard in Rockledge. The event is open to the public. Fresh Florida produce, local honey, fresh eggs, baked goods, olives, organic soaps, soy candles, hand crafted wood, embroidered sundresses, jewelry, rocks and minerals, handmade children's clothes, jerky and boiled peanuts, massage therapist, handcrafted pottery and paintings, quilts, tasty treats, Music by Del and more! For more information, call 321-961-2732 or email Joyce Rizzo and Pam Rollins at
Brevard Country Farmers Market: Stop in at the Brevard County Farmers Market for fresh produce, locally grown and produced food items and more!
At Wickham Park the farmers market is held every Thursday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The other market is held in Titusville on the east side of U.S. 1 across from the Welcome Center. This market takes place on the second and fourth Friday of every month from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
All of the Market vendors are screened before being accepted as a vendor. Each vendor must produce or grow at least 50% of the products sold at the market.
The Market is a operated through a joint partnership with Brevard County Parks & Recreation and the University of Florida/IFAS Brevard County Extension Service.
Learn more at -
Palm Bay Community Bingo: Bingo twice weekly at the Greater Palm Bay Senior Center.
There will be Bingo every Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and every week on Friday from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Wednesday packages start at $6. Friday packages start at $14.
Bingo is open to everyone! Bring your dabber, lucky charms, a drink, and a snack.
You do not have to stay for the entire time but the final games have the highest payouts.
Special bonus games require additional purchases.
Masks are not required if you have been vaccinated.
The Greater Palm Bay Senior Center is located at 1275 Culver Dr. NE in Palm Bay.
Learn more at -
Questions? Contact Barbara Godwin-Hazel at - or call (321) 978.2854.
Gibson Neighborhood Marketplace: Visit and shop with North Brevard's black and minority-owned businesses, once a month from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Gibson Center. Call 321-522-7793 to register your business or sponsor the event. Vendors may purchase a $25 outdoor table. Register on PayPal for a non-member table here -, or for a $35 indoor table register here - The Gibson Neighborhood Marketplace is located at 835 Sycamore Street, Suite H, in Titusville.
ABWA Space Coast Women's Express Network ABWA SCWEN meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month (except in Aug.). We meet from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Eau Gallie Yacht Club located at 100 Datura Dr, Indian Harbour Beach.
Learn more about our schedule, speaker list, and membership here -
Intermediate Spanish Group: This is a small senior fun translation and discussion group. We seek a few good students.
We meet weekly on Monday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Melbourne Fee Avenue Public Library. There is no fee or any other charge.
We welcome native Spanish speakers.
Various topics will be discussed at each session.
We are accepting a limited number of participants.
To join our group contact Bert Forest at - (321) 726-8883 or send him an email at -
Italian Lessons: Every Monday night from 6-8 p.m. The Italian American Club of Brevard hosts Italian lessons. There are 3 levels of classes - beginners intermediate and advanced. Complimentary coffee and dessert are served at the break. Classes are $50 for 52 lessons. For more information, call 321-242-8044.
Private Art Lessons: You can begin your creative journey as an absolute beginner or further develop your art skills with private art lessons.
Skills taught include drawing, color theory, human and pet portraits and painting with pastels, acrylics and water colors.
Costs determined by frequency and duration of the classes.
We can begin where you are right now. Classes in my private studio or I can travel to your home.
Contact Debi Pettigrew by calling (321) 749-1153 or email her at
FREE Memory Testing: Merritt Island Medical Research will be offering free memory screenings the second Tuesday of each month at One Senior Place. Please call 321-305-5015 to schedule an appointment.
Edward Jones Coffee Club: The first Wednesday of every month at 9:00 a.m., David Palmbach with Edward Jones will be hosting a Coffee Club at the Breakfast Station in the Post Common Plaza located at 4100 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne. David will be discussing current events, the economy, and investing. This informal gathering will give you the opportunity to ask questions, have some fun, and get to know some of your neighbors. Please contact 321-255-1770 for more information.
Country/Bluegrass Jam: Check out the country-bluegrass jam at the Tropical Haven mobile home park. It takes place every Sunday from 1-3 p.m. outside under the mobile home park pavilion. We're looking for players that want to have fun playing music. No electric instruments.
The Tropical Haven mobile home park is located across from the Melbourne Airport at 1205 Eddie Allen Rd. in Melbourne.
Brevard Users Group (BUG Club): The Brevard Users Group (The BUG Club) is a personal computer support group meeting the first Monday of each month from 2 to 3 p.m. with the exception of holidays and special events. This group will offer the basics of learning Windows based computers. For info send email to
Computers Advancing Education Lab: Once again we are offering a FREE Basic Computer Class. If you need help learning to use a computer, this is the place! No previous computer experience needed. Our classes will teach you to sign on, connect to the web, browse the internet, use e-mail, write a letter. We have computers available for use in the class. The class is limited to 9 people. Tuesday mornings from 9:30 a.m to 11.30 am. The Computers Advancing Education Lab is located in Riverview School at 3000 Jolly Street in Titusville. Call Dan at 561-907-6992 to sign up.
Free Little Library: The Cocoa Community Woman's Club has built a small outdoor book bin, free of charge for area residents. It holds about 30 books. Take a book, leave a book if you wish! This little library is set up outside the Women's Club clubhouse at 5 Rosa Jones Drive in South Cocoa Village, on the west side of the Brevard Avenue traffic circle. Literacy is one of the key commitments of the Cocoa Community Woman's Club.
"Not Alone" Fellowship: A two-hour monthly gathering of fellowship, food, and fun with door blessings. Birthdays and other special occasions are celebrated with gifts. 1st Monday of each month (except Labor Day). 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. or 5:30- 7:30 p.m. This is an outreach ministry for those who have experienced some form of loss. It is a safe place to meet, interact, receive and support others who are experiencing the different aspects of grief that lead to loneliness and sadness. We welcome any person regardless of age, gender, nationality or culture background, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or marital status at the time of death/separation, no matter the cause or how long it has been since the loss. Reservations Required. Fellowship meets at Calvary Baptist Church, 2980 N Wickham Road in Melbourne. For more information, contact Peggy Farrow-Mattson at 918-264-4265 and
Green Gables Open House: Green Gables is hosting Open Houses on Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Even though Green Gables at Historic Riverview Village, Inc. has submitted to be considered for a Florida matching grant to own the home, we must continue to work toward repairing, stabilizing, and then restoring this historical Queen Anne style treasure for the South Brevard area. Green Gables is one of only three Queen Anne style homes in South Brevard, so preserving this architecture and restoring the home as well as the Wells family legacy is important. William and Nora Wells played a key role in the development of early Melbourne. Their vision and generosity gifted the area with Wells Park and the first auditorium, assistance with building and establishing the first library, organizing and funding the first high school classes, to name a few, all of which have been enjoyed by several generations. Learn more in the documentary, ‘Forgotten Enchantress.’ For more information, visit,
Titusville Chamber Membership Development: The Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce holds its Membership Development Committee Meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 8:30 a.m. at the Chamber office in Titusville. The Membership Development Committee provides volunteer support at Chamber events and helps mentor and educate new members on the many benefits of membership. There is limited in-person attendance, virtual attendance is available. If you would like to participate on this committee, please contact Carol Fondo at for more information. For additional information, visit the Membership Development Committee webpage here - The Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce is located at 2000 S. Washington Avenue in Titusville.
Book Club – Legacy Club: Thursday afternoons from 1 – 2pm. Join us to read thought provoking literature and participate in lively discussions. Sponsored by the Legacy Club. RSVP 321-751-6771 to reserve your seat.
Bingo: The Italian American Club hosts Bingo every Tuesday afternoon from 1-3 p.m. Free snacks, cake and coffee provided. Call 321-242-8044 for details. The Italian American Club is located at 1471 Cypress Ave. in Melbourne.
American Legion Riders Bike Night: American Legion Post 117, located at 189 Veterans Drive SE in Palm Bay, hosts a Bike Night on the last Thursday of every month free for those 21 and over. Riders get together in the tiki. For more information, contact Chris Hess at 321-729-8089 or email For more information on the AL/ALR visit -
Pineda Inn Trivia Night: Every other Sunday, 7-9 p.m. NEW SIMPLER FORMAT! This is growing in popularity! Get there early if you want a seat!
Meet inside the back bar.
The Pineda Inn is located at 6533 US Highway 1 in Rockledge.
Dance Lessons: Dance Lessons are back at the Wickham Senior Center, located at 2785 Leisure Way in Melbourne. Monday Nights at 6:30 p.m. "Anything Goes". All Genre of dance addressed in this class. You decide what you want to work on at group rate prices.
For more information call Chris or Larry at 321-258-5916 or visit
Worship from Home: Rockledge Presbyterian Church, located at 921 Rockledge Drive in Rockledge, has a variety of weekly activities as well as live-streaming services in the wake of social distancing. Worship form the safety of our own home. For more information on how to participate, contact the such at 321-636-0811 or visit their website at
Sunday Service at the Spiritualist Chapel: The Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne has resumed conducting services indoors. The Spiritualist Chapel holds Sunday Services from 10 to 11:30 am. Mask wearing and social distancing will be practiced.
The Spiritualist Chapel is located at 1924 Melody Lane in Melbourne
Learn more at -
FB Spiritualist Chapel President Emma Principe.
Senior Center Classes: Freedom 7 Senior Community Center in Cocoa Beach is open and doing well. Classes are available to members and non-members alike. Masks are required to enter the building, your temperature will be taken, forehead scan and we will social distance. Zumba Gold Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. $5 per class. Seated Yoga on Tuesdays at 11a.m. $2-3 per class. Strength and Balance Class for all ages, chair assist if needed. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. $2 per class. Freedom 7 Senior Center is located inside the Cocoa Beach Country Club. 5000 Tom Warriner Blvd Cocoa Beach (321)783-9505.
Questions About Your Hearing? : Personal Hearing Solutions, Every Monday from 9:30-3pm. Sandra Wagner will be on hand to share information & answer your questions about hearing loss and solutions to it for a safe and healthy lifestyle. For more information, stop by or call 321-253-6310.
Thursday Lunch & Bunco: The Italian American Club hosts a three course chicken marsala lunch at noon on Thursdays. Bunco is played after lunch. Lunch costs $10, Bunco is $7. For further information call (321) 242-8044The Italian American Club is located at 1471 Cypress Ave. in Melbourne.
Sunrise Yoga: Enjoy yoga at 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays at the Barrier Island Center, 8385 State Road A1A, Melbourne Beach.
Improve your health with BIC volunteer Isa. There is an $8 donation.
For more information, call (321) 723-3556 or visit -
Beginning Hebrew class: Learn to speak Hebrew at 12:15 p.m. Sundays at Temple Israel, 7350 Lake Andrew Drive, Viera. The class is taught by Peter Czutrin, from Israel. You do not need to be Jewish to learn Hebrew and can begin the course anytime. It is open to all teens and older and the fee is $144 for members, $160 for non-members. For more information or to register, call (321) 631-9494 or email
Enjoy a Knight Out: The Knights of Columbus Council 7408, at 6725 Babcock St., Malabar, has a few events for the family.
Mondays: Enjoy Bingo. Doors open at 5 p.m. and Bingo goes from 6 to 10 p.m. Food is sold from 5 to 7 p.m.
Fridays: Enjoy dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. Menu includes fish, hamburgers, fish sandwiches, soup, salad and desserts.
Dinner and Dancing: Elks Lodge No. 1744 welcomes Elks and guests to their lodge, 211 S. Nieman Ave., Melbourne, for Dinner and Dance Night on Fridays. Dinner is served from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and dancing starts at 6:30 p.m. with live music. For more information about room rentals or scheduled activities, call (321) 768-1744.
Grief Support Group: Hospice of St. Francis will host a Grief Support Group at 1 p.m. Mondays at 4875 N. Wickham Road, Suite 108, Melbourne. For more information, call Christy Taylor at (321) 269-4240 or email
Create Greeting Cards and Gift Bags: Learn quick, fun and easy techniques at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Mondays at Art Gallery Cards and Gift-Making Classes with Ree at The Art Gallery of Viera (between Chico’s and Belk at the Avenue of Viera). Enjoy making a new project each week. Beautiful, quality materials, including cardstock, decorative papers, stamps, inks, embossing products, die cuts and accessories are included in the $10 price of the class. Make your reservation in advance by contacting Ree at (321) 773-0095 or (321) 961-2350 or at
Things to do at the Merritt Island Public Library
-Tuesdays: Little Bookworms Story-time, 10 a.m. (2yrs & up), Master Gardeners Clinic, 1 to 3 p.m. (bring problem plant sample)
-Fridays: Baby Rhyme Time Story-time, 10 a.m. (2yrs & under)
For more information, call (321) 455-1369.
Things to do at the Port St. John Library
-Mondays: Yarning for a Cause, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Master Gardener, 2 to 4 p.m. (bring problem plant sample); Creative Writing, 9 to 11 a.m.
-Tuesdays: Senior Games, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (bring your favorite game and lunch or a snack); SHINE - Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders, noon to 3 p.m. (1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, call (321) 222-7981 for an appointment)
-Wednesdays: Life Skills Training, 4 to 5 p.m.
-Thursdays: STIR - Story Time for Independent Readers, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. (pre-registration is required)
-Fridays: Yarn Club, 2 to 4 p.m. (All ages and abilities welcome)
-Saturdays: Overeaters Anonymous, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Things to do at the Satellite Beach Public Library
-Tuesdays: Gentle Yoga, 4:30 p.m. Bring mat/towel and comfortable clothes. $5 per class.
-Wednesdays: Children story time, "Mother Goose on the Loose" from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sign up required. Ages 15 months to 3rd birthday.
Things to do at in the Joseph N. Davis Community Center in Melbourne
-Mondays to Fridays: Morning Walk (all ages) from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Free.
-Mondays and Wednesdays :Pickleball (all ages) from 9 a.m. to noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. $1.
-Mondays and Tuesdays :Adult Organized Full Court Basketball ages 18 years and older) from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays. $1.
-Monday to Thursday : After School Tutoring (ages 6-12 years) from 3:45 to 5 p.m. from Monday to Thursday. Free.
-Tuesdays: Bingo from 10 to 11 a.m. $2.
-Tuesdays and Thursdays : Table Tennis Club (all ages) from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Free.
-Wednesdays: Video Game Night (all ages) from 6 to 8 p.m. Free.
Adult Step Dance Class is held the first and third Wednesday of every month and is from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
-Thursdays: Co-ed Community Volleyball (ages 16 years and older) from 6 to 8:30 p.m. $1.
-Fridays: Late Night Basketball (ages 8 -17 years) from 8 to 11 p.m. $1.
All events take place in the Joseph N. Davis Community Center. 2547 Grant St., Melbourne. For more information, call (321) 608-7460.
Things to do at Lipscomb Community Center in Melbourne
-Mondays: Adult Morning Club from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Ages 18 and older. Free.
-Tuesdays: The Cub Scouts meet (ongoing) from 6:30 to 8 p.m. For ages 6-11 years. $24 yearly.
-Wednesdays: After School Youth Club, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Ages 6-11. Free
-Thursdays: Youth Game Night, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Ages 6-11. Free..
All events take place in the Lipscomb Community Center, 3316 Monroe St., Melbourne. For more information, call (321) 608-7450.
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